Bingo Tickets Now on Sales
$2,500 in total prizes
Grand Prize - $750!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
6:00 pm - Dine, Raffle, Wine Pull, and Silent Auction
7:00 pm - First Game
Meals for purchase prior to games beginning
Complimentary snacks, beer and wine
Raffle prizes
Wine pull
Silent Auction
To purchase tickets or to become a sponsor: https://www.svdpfrisco.org/bingo
Bingo Tickets Now on Sales
$2,500 in total prizes
Grand Prize - $750!
Saturday, June 29, 2019
6:00 pm - Dine, Raffle, Wine Pull, and Silent Auction
7:00 pm - First Game
Meals for purchase prior to games beginning
Complimentary snacks, beer and wine
Raffle prizes
Wine pull
Silent Auction
To purchase tickets or to become a sponsor: https://www.svdpfrisco.org/bingo